Sensory Room


Mosaic’s Sensory Room provides a space near the primary conference meeting room for attendees to take a break from the conference environment. The space offers a variety of resources and physical options to support a comfortable conference experience. A Mosaic team member will be present in the sensory room all convening days for any questions and to provide support as needed.

Hours and Usage

  • Tuesday, October 8, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
  • Wednesday, October 9, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Thursday, October 10, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

The sensory room can be used by a maximum of three people at a time with adjustments made to the environment based on desired experience.


The Sensory Room is in a hotel room set up like a living room. The environment consists of:

  • moveable soft couches, armchairs and floor cushions
  • soft overhead light;
  • ambient adjustable lighting;
  • diffused natural light;
  • a single-user restroom; and
  • direct access to an outdoor terrace that can be used by attendees.


Various tools are available for attendees to use within the room and throughout the Convening including:

  • tactile materials;
  • soothing and stimulating objects;
  • noise-canceling headphones;
  • ear plugs;
  • weighted blankets; and a
  • hydration area with bottled water and snacks;


If you need any assistance or have any questions about the Sensory Room, please reach out to us at [email protected].